Daily Chart
Daily Line Chart

Half Hourly Chart
It has been a week of indecisiveness. The 100 point range till thursday betwen 5152-5051 has been within the wide range of last week.Only a move above 5181 or below 4942 , the high and low of the week ended 4th December, will give further direction. Till then chameleons will have to bear up with the whipsaws.
Happy Trading !!
Lakshmi Ramachandran
Thank you for early post.
I have just gone 100% short at 5140 think this is a good risk reward trade, stop above 5200. Target 5050to close half.
We shall see.
Leeds UK
Your welcome. I would really be strict with my stops . remeber it is whipsaw time
Dear Lakshmi,
Your pivots were fantastic! Thanks again for sharing I made some good money today. Booked 50% profits at5090 as oversold in shorter time frame from 5181. Tight stops are in at 5200 for remaining. I don't think any damage has been done to the recent trend upwards, indeed should be whip saw action for now until a clear break so best trade light.
Have a great weekend.
Leeds UK
Dear sir
which are the moving averages used in the 3rd chart ..
5,10,20,50,200 period ema
If you have a Advance Decline ratio chart of Nifty stocks and in general for stocks traded in NSE, could you please post them sometimes -- atleast when Nifty is struggling to cross some highs.
My assumption is that if Nifty stays too long in this range and AD ratio steadily decreases -- the fall is inevitable.
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